Today i decided to try out a Bundler, and wanted to use Babel,
Before i switched to Babel my decorators worked fine, however now i noticed that the class property addInitializers arent working anymore.
For Context, im currently building my own DI Container in Typescript.
Decorator code:
export function Inject(name: string) {
let stop = true;
return function (target: any, context: ClassFieldDecoratorContext) {
console.log("Inject 2");
context.addInitializer(function () {
if (this["_dependencyBindDataList"] == undefined) {
this["_dependencyBindDataList"] = [];
console.log("Inject 3");
(this["_dependencyBindDataList"] as PropertyBindData[]).push({
property: as string,
target: name,
type: DependencyType.SINGULAR
the third console log never gets triggered.
I used Two test classes for this:
class Test {
public test;
class Test2 {
public test2;
and they get instanciated in their own component methods:
public test(){
return new Test();
public test2(){
return new Test2();
They worked before i switched to Babel, so i think babel is probably configured wrong:
my babel config is:
"presets": [
"modules": false,
"targets": {
"node": "18"
"sourceMaps": true,
"plugins": ["add-import-extension",["@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators", { "version": "2023-05" }]]
The problem is with typescript implementation for decorators. Try to return your initializer function instead of adding it to the context.
Your Decorator would look like this:
export function Inject(name: string) {
let stop = true;
return function (target: any, context: ClassFieldDecoratorContext) {
console.log("Inject 2");
return function (this: any) {
if (this["_dependencyBindDataList"] == undefined) {
this["_dependencyBindDataList"] = [];
console.log("Inject 3");
(this["_dependencyBindDataList"] as PropertyBindData[]).push({
property: as string,
target: name,
type: DependencyType.SINGULAR
Also fix the "this" reference