Search code examples

Check column A in table 1 if contains value from column A in table 2 and return the value of column B table 2

In the this example, I am trying to see whether values in column A in table 1 appear within the values in column A table 2.

If it does I want to add column B in table 1, which returns the value of column B in table 2 where the matches occur.

Desired output:

Table 1

dhjasd sd Y02sd 105
Y02 dsd 105
sds Y0545 dsas dds 106
Y093 sad
sd Y304sd

Reference Table:

Table 2

Y01 102
Y06 103
Y02 105
Y08 110
Y0545 106

Can I please get any advice on how I should approach this? Thank you for your help!


  • Using dplyr you can do the following:

    table1 |> 
      select(A) |> 
      mutate(values = stringr::str_extract(A, "Y\\d+")) |> 
      left_join(table2, by = c("values" = "A")) |> 
      select(A, B)
    # A tibble: 5 × 2
      A                      B
      <chr>              <dbl>
    1 dhjasd sd Y02sd      105
    2 Y02 dsd              105
    3 sds Y0545 dsas dds   106
    4 Y093 sad              NA
    5 sd Y304sd             NA