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How can I get data for a list using C# and LINQ

I need to loop though a list of city names and go to database to get the info for each city. I am having problem converting a string to list and vice versa. Below is the code and error messages.

Error 1:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.List<StateAPI.Models.CityModel>' to 'StateAPI.Models.CityModel'

Error 2:

Cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<StateAPI.Models.CityModel>' to 'StateAPI.Models.CityModel'

namespace StateAPI.Models
 public class CityModel: ReadResponse
        public string CityAddress { get; set; }
        public string CityPhone { get; set; }
namespace StateAPI.Controllers

    public class CityController : ApiController
        SQLConnection SQLconn = new SQLConnection();

        public CityModel GetCityInfo(string CityList)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CityList)
                return new CityModel
                    Message = "No CityList Passed",
                return SQLconn.GetCityMain(CityList);  //Error 1
public List<CityModel> GetCityMain(string CityList)
            String strSQL = String.Empty;
            String msg = String.Empty;
            String[] parms = { };

            List<CityModel> output = new List<CityModel>();
            var cities= CityList.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim());

            foreach (var city in cities)
                strSQL = String.Format(GetCityInfoSQL, city);
                List<CityModel> info = SQLUtil.GetDataList<CityModel>(
                out msg);

                output.Add(info); //Error 2
            return output;
public static List<T> GetDataList<T>(string sql, String[] sqlparams, out String message) where T : new()
            List<T> result = new List<T>();
            message = String.Empty;
            DataSet ds;

                if (DbObject.GetDataSet(sql, sqlparams, SQLUtility.GetSqlConnString(), "data", out ds, out message))
                    result = DataManager.Bind<List<T>>(ds.Tables[0]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                message = "error message";

            return result;



  • You need to change the declaration of your CityModel method to return a List<CityModel>:

    namespace StateAPI.Controllers
        public class CityController : ApiController
            SQLConnection SQLconn = new SQLConnection();
            public List<CityModel> GetCityInfo(string CityList)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CityList)
                    return new CityModel
                        Message = "No CityList Passed",
                    return SQLconn.GetCityMain(CityList);

    and you need to add to your List<CityModel> a CityModel but you are adding List<CityModel>:

    public List<CityModel> GetCityMain(string CityList)
        String strSQL = String.Empty;
        String msg = String.Empty;
        String[] parms = { };
        List<CityModel> output = new List<CityModel>();
        var cities= CityList.Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim());
        foreach (var city in cities)
            strSQL = String.Format(GetCityInfoSQL, city);
            //info will be of type CityModel only then you can add it to output
            List<CityModel> info  = SQLUtil.GetDataList<CityModel>(
            out msg);
            output.Add(info.FirstOrDefault()); //Add this to get the current item
        return output;