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In Catia Moving Parts or Products with Macro

I try to move selected parts or products with Vb macro. First one should go -5 mm on Y-axis and the second one should go +5mm on Y-Axis can you help me guys?

I tried to choose move selected Products with function of Move but I cant.

Sub Kaydir()
    Dim Selection As Selection
    Set Selection = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection
    Dim product As Product
    Set product = Selection.Item(1).Value
    ' Y ekseni boyunca 5mm kaydırma
    Dim YDistance As Double
    YDistance = 5 ' Kaydırma mesafesi (mm)
    ' Yönünü belirtmek için oluşturulan Vector
    Dim Vector(8) As Double
    Vector(0) = 0
    Vector(1) = YDistance
    Vector(2) = 0
    ' Ürünün mevcut pozisyonunu almak
    Dim currentPosition(11) As Double
    currentPosition = product.GetPosition
    ' Yeni pozisyonu hesaplamak
    Dim newPosition(11) As Double
    For i = 0 To 5
        newPosition(i) = currentPosition(i) + Vector(i)
    Next i
    ' Yeni pozisyonu ayarlamak
    product.Move newPosition
End Sub


  • Dim oProd As Product
    Set oProd = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Selection.Item(1).Value
    Dim oMove As Move
    Set oMove = oProd.Move
    'variant array for the transformation matrix, last 3 are the translation
    Dim xform(11)
    xform(0) = 1#
    xform(1) = 0#
    xform(2) = 0#
    xform(3) = 0#
    xform(4) = 1#
    xform(5) = 0#
    xform(6) = 0#
    xform(7) = 0#
    xform(8) = 1#
    xform(9) = 0#
    xform(10) = 5#
    xform(11) = 0#
    'VBA: because you are passing an array, a variant object is required
    Dim vMove As Variant
    Set vMove = oMove
    Call vMove.Apply(xform)