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Binding native iOS Swift library

I have .NET MAUI app where I want to use 3rd party payment processing library RevenueCat. There are 2 Xamarin bindings already for this lib:

The Android one when referenced to .NET MAUI project works correctly, but the iOS one seems not to be supported by MAUI.

So I have decided to port it from original iOS Binding library (Xamarin) to iOS binding library on .NET7.

  • I have copied all binding-related files as well as native .framework folder to the MAUI
  • I have adjusted attributes that werent supported by MAUI e.g. Watch, Mac, iOS or AutoGeneratedName -> commit
  • I have added necessary things to .csproj

and I was able to build it on my connected MAC M1 mini (from Windows).

But the output Nuget package was only a few KBs and the original nuget was ~7MB. After closer look I found out that my MAUI nuget doesnt contain the native .framework resource and I have no idea why.

Do you know what am I missing?

Here is link to the repo of this nuget:


  • The main problem was .NET7 with VS v17.7. With that combination it wasn't possible to release binding package with embedded native library from Windows.

    Workaround for that was to build it in VS for MAC on my MAC mini.