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How to get log volume/storage size by label with Loki?

Background: I have various services, managed by different teams, sending logs to a single Loki instance. Logs carries a label service that corresponds to the name of the service. We are also running Prometheus and Grafana.

Goal: Each team has an operating budget and I would like to split the cost of operating the Loki instance + storage cost based on how much logs were generated by each service, and deduct that from each team's budget.

What I have: I have used the LogQL query count by(service) (rate({environment="live"} [24h])) with the 'Instant' query type on Grafana to get the total number of log lines, grouped by the service label.

Problem: Some service's logs are tiny whilst others are big. Attributing costs based on number of log lines is inaccurate.

Question: Is there a LogQL query to get the total size of logs in bytes, grouped by the service label? If not, any suggestions for other ways to attribute costs of the logs to each team?


  • @markalex's answer put me on the right tracks, and I found this post which also helped. Turns out bytes_over_time is what I've been looking for:

    sum by(service) (bytes_over_time({environment="live"} [24h]))

    bytes_over_time counts the amount of bytes used by each log stream for a given range.