We are using wiremock.net (C#) and we want to extract from the request the PDF file contained in that Request. How can we do that? I'm new to wiremock and I read about response templating without success.
Can someone please help with either documentation or code sample for this?
In other words how to GET_PDF FILE_HERE_FROM_REQUEST (see code below)
.WithHeader("Content-Type", "form-data")
.WithBody(req => ReadFileAndGenerateJsonBody(GET_PDF FILE_HERE_FROM_REQUEST))
public string ReadFileAndGenerateJsonBody(...)
//read text from PDF file
//build jsonResponse
return jsonResponse
Please refer to the answer by a great guy (he must be!) @stefH
Here is the full text =>
In your example you are posting a form which has 2 fields: a file field, which contains the PDF and a json text field.
If you want to return a JSON response, you need to use the method (which gives you the request object and should return an anonymous object which will be serialized to JSON:
IResponseBuilder WithBodyAsJson(Func<IRequestMessage, Task<object>> bodyFactory, Encoding? encoding = null);
And the IRequestMessage
contains a property BodyAsMimeMessage
which is an MimeKit.MimeMessage
object which contains several body parts which you can get and use if needed.
foreach (var mimePart in message.BodyParts.OfType<MimeKit.MimePart>())
// ...
See https://github.com/jstedfast/MimeKit for more details