I am to fetching data from reviewRatings and used $lookup to get userdetails.data, but here i need to get data matching in $lookup where userdetails.data.name='abc' or userdetails.data.email="xyz@mail.com"
$results = $this->mongo_db->aggregate(
['$match' => $where],
['$sort' => ['_id' => -1]],
['$skip' => (int)$start],
['$limit' => $limit],
['$lookup' => [
'from' => 'userdetails',
'localField' => 'user_id',
'foreignField' => '_id',
'as' => 'combined'
['$project' => [
'_id' => 1,
'app_id' => 1,
'user_id' => 1,
'rating' => 1,
'received_on' => 1,
'review_date' => 1,
'max_rating' => 1,
'location' => 1,
'connection_type' => 1,
'is_replied' => 1,
'recommendation_type' => 1,
'combined._id' => 1,
'combined.data' => 1
return $results;
Try adding a pipeline to your $lookup
According to your syntax think you are using php, i think you can try something like this :
['$lookup' => [
'from' => 'userdetails',
'localField' => 'user_id',
'foreignField' => '_id',
'as' => 'combined',
'pipeline' => [
['$match' =>
['$expr' =>
['$or' => [
['$eq' => ['$data.name', 'abc']],
['$eq' => ['$data.email', 'xyz@mail.com']]