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Cannot find "Manage" folder while scaffolding identity pages in ASP.NET Core application

Environment: Visual Studio 2022, Version 17.8.3, and ASP.NET Core.

When a user clicks the "Account Settings", the account setting page shall load at "content page" with keeping sidebar and header intact. But below code does not do so.

enter image description here

Below is the scaffolding folder structure

enter image description here

Below is the cshtml code for "Account Setting" link

 <li class="nav-header">Settings</li>
   <li class="nav-item">
       <a is-active-page asp-area="Identity" asp-page="/Account/Manage/Index" class="nav-link">
         <i class="nav-icon fas fa-cogs"></i>
           Account Settings

When I click the "Account settings" entire page refreshes and shows the below screen

enter image description here

BUT I would like to load "manage account" page in the "content page" . I mean sidebar and header shall show always. I understand this is something to do with _Layout. However I am not able to find the account->manage folder or related pages for customization?

I understand these pages are hidden but where is it? How do I customize so that it fits at "content page" rather than full page view.

Expectation: When user clicks the "Account setting" , account details shall show as below.

enter image description here


  • After adding scaffold for Manage views, we would get account->manage folder. Then we will have the views listed in our project, and we can custom the content to match your requirement.

    right click on the Area folder -> add -> new scaffolded items... -> choose identity -> pick up the required views

    enter image description here

    ============= Updated ============

    Loading the index page within "content" area requires us to modify the layout. I had a change like below within _Layout.cshtml.

    <div class="container">
        <main role="main" class="pb-3" style="overflow:hidden">
            <div style="float:left;width: 200px;background: red;position: sticky;height: 80vh;">
                    <a asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Privacy">direct to Privacy</a>
                    <a asp-controller="Home" asp-action="Index">direct to Index</a>
                    <a asp-area="Identity" asp-page="/Account/Manage/Index">direct to account management</a>
            <div style ="float:left;">

    enter image description here