I was following the code used on this gravity assist/swing simulation on this site: site about gravity assist. The first code worked for me, but not the graph. I think, the error has something to do with the actual plotting, as the mathematics behind the velocity and such should be working. The code for the graph can be seen here:
# Setting --------------------
set key right top
set term gif animate delay 4 size 1280,720
set grid
end = 1e3*10
set xr[0:end]
set yr[0:5*1e3]
set xl "{/Times:Italic t} [s]" font "Times New Roman, 20"
set yl "{/Times:Italic v} [m/s]" font "Times New Roman, 20"
set size ratio 720./1280.
# Parameter --------------------
G = 6.674 * 1e-11 # gravitational constant [m3 / kg s2]
R = 6.371 * 1e6 # radius of the earth [m]
M = 5.972 * 1e24 # weight of the earth [kg]
r = 1.737 * 1e6 # radius of the moon [m]
m = 7.348 * 1e0 # weight of the moon [kg]
dt = 10 # Time step [s]
v2 = 0.2*sqrt(2*G*M/R) # Second cosmic velocity
dh = dt/6.0 # Coefficient for Runge-Kutta 4th
lim1 = 30 # Stop time
lim2 = end/dt # Time limit
dis = 200 # Start to disappear
cut = 5 # Decimation
# Function --------------------
# RK4
r(x, y, z, w) = (sqrt(x**2 + z**2))**3
f1(x, y, z, w) = y
f2(x, y, z, w) = -G * M * x / r(x, y, z, w)
f3(x, y, z, w) = w
f4(x, y, z, w) = -G * M * z / r(x, y, z, w)
rk4x(x, y, z, w) = (k1 = f1(x, y, z, w),\
k2 = f1(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k3 = f1(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k4 = f1(x + dt*k3, y + dt*k3, z + dt*k3, w + dt*k3),\
dh * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4))
rk4y(x, y, z, w) = (k1 = f2(x, y, z, w),\
k2 = f2(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k3 = f2(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k4 = f2(x + dt*k3, y + dt*k3, z + dt*k3, w + dt*k3),\
dh * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4))
rk4z(x, y, z, w) = (k1 = f3(x, y, z, w),\
k2 = f3(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k3 = f3(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k4 = f3(x + dt*k3, y + dt*k3, z + dt*k3, w + dt*k3),\
dh * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4))
rk4w(x, y, z, w) = (k1 = f4(x, y, z, w),\
k2 = f4(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k3 = f4(x + dt*k1/2., y + dt*k1/2., z + dt*k1/2., w + dt*k1/2.),\
k4 = f4(x + dt*k3, y + dt*k3, z + dt*k3, w + dt*k3),\
dh * (k1 + 2*k2 + 2*k3 + k4))
# Time
Time(t) = sprintf("{/Times:Italic t} = %d [s]", t)
# Parameter
Para(th) = sprintf("{/Times:Normal=20 {/Symbol-Oblique:Italic q} = %d", th)
# Plot --------------------
# Initiate value
t = 0.0
th = 60
rad = pi/180.*th
# Earth
ve = 10000.
xe = 0.8e7
# Filename
filename = sprintf("graph ve=%+0d th=%02d.gif", ve, th)
set output filename
# Satellite 1
x1 = 0. # x
y1 = v2*cos(rad) # vx
z1 = 13e7 # y
w1 = -v2*sin(rad) # vy
# Satellite 2
x2 = 0. # x
y2 = v2*cos(rad) # vx
z2 = 12e7 # y
w2 = -v2*sin(rad) # vy
# Satellite 3
x3 = 0. # x
y3 = v2*cos(rad) # vx
z3 = 11e7 # y
w3 = -v2*sin(rad) # vy
# Draw initiate state for lim1 steps
do for [i = 1:lim1] {
# Parameter and v2 line
set label 1 left at graph 0.05, graph 0.95 Para(th)
set arrow 1 nohead from 0, v2 to end, v2 lc rgb 'black' lw 4
# Display key
plot 1/0 lw 3 lc rgb 'red' t "{/Times:Italic=20 v_{1}} ",\
1/0 lw 3 lc rgb 'blue' t "{/Times:Italic=20 v_{2}} ",\
1/0 lw 3 lc rgb 'green' t "{/Times:Italic=20 v_{3}} "
# Update for lim2 steps
do for [i = 1:lim2] {
t = t + dt
# Earth
xe = xe + ve*dt
# Satellite 1
vold = sqrt(y1**2+w1**2) # Old
x1 = x1 + rk4x(x1-xe, y1, z1, w1)
y1 = y1 + rk4y(x1-xe, y1, z1, w1)
z1 = z1 + rk4z(x1-xe, y1, z1, w1)
w1 = w1 + rk4w(x1-xe, y1, z1, w1)
vnew = sqrt(y1**2+w1**2) # New
set arrow 3*(i-1)+2 nohead from t, vold to t, vnew lc rgb 'red' lw 2
# Satellite 2
vold = sqrt(y2**2+w2**2) # Old
x2 = x2 + rk4x(x2-xe, y2, z2, w2)
y2 = y2 + rk4y(x2-xe, y2, z2, w2)
z2 = z2 + rk4z(x2-xe, y2, z2, w2)
w2 = w2 + rk4w(x2-xe, y2, z2, w2)
vnew = sqrt(y2**2+w2**2) # New
set arrow 3*(i-1)+3 nohead from t, vold to t, vnew lc rgb 'blue' lw 2
# Satellite 3
vold = sqrt(y3**2+w3**2) # Old
x3 = x3 + rk4x(x3-xe, y3, z3, w3)
y3 = y3 + rk4y(x3-xe, y3, z3, w3)
z3 = z3 + rk4z(x3-xe, y3, z3, w3)
w3 = w3 + rk4w(x3-xe, y3, z3, w3)
vnew = sqrt(y3**2+w3**2) # New
set arrow 3*(i-1)+4 nohead from t, vold to t, vnew lc rgb 'green' lw 2
# Decimate and plot
plot 1/0 lw 3 lc rgb 'red' t "{/Times:Italic=20 v_{1}} ",\
1/0 lw 3 lc rgb 'blue' t "{/Times:Italic=20 v_{2}} ",\
1/0 lw 3 lc rgb 'green' t "{/Times:Italic=20 v_{3}} "
set out
This always results in the following for me however:
when it's supposed to look like this:
I hope anyone can help, and I am sorry if the post was worded weirdly, first time using stackoverflow
I tried changing some values, but I am not quite sure. I also tried finding the old 5.2 Gnuplot, as that or an older version was used by the guy from the website. However I couldn't find the old version, but perhaps has that something to do with the problem.
(This is a revised answer, after more investigation)
Many of the arrows in this plot are very short. So short that they would span less than one pixel of the output image. Gnuplot 5.2 always drew an arrow, no matter how short. The result was that much of the visible line in the plot consisted of single-pixel "arrows".
Gnuplot 5.4 does not draw anything for the shaft of such a short arrow and would not draw anything for the arrowhead either. This is less of a problem for other gnuplot terminals either because they are vector-based rather than pixel based or they implement "oversampling" so that they can specify coordinates with sub-pixel precision.
Possible work-arounds:
(1) Modify the script to guarantee that the arrow is always of some minimum length. Here is my go at it
# Set minimum arrow size
tiny = 25.0
vnew = sqrt(y1**2+w1**2) # New
if (abs((vnew - vold)) < tiny) { vnew = vold + tiny * sgn(vnew-vold) }
set arrow 3*(i-1)+2 nohead from t, vold to t, vnew lc rgb 'red' lw 2
vnew = sqrt(y2**2+w2**2) # New
if (abs((vnew - vold)) < tiny) { vnew = vold + tiny * sgn(vnew-vold) }
set arrow 3*(i-1)+3 nohead from t, vold to t, vnew lc rgb 'blue' lw 2
vnew = sqrt(y3**2+w3**2) # New
if (abs((vnew - vold)) < tiny) { vnew = vold + tiny * sgn(vnew-vold) }
set arrow 3*(i-1)+4 nohead from t, vold to t, vnew lc rgb 'green' lw 2
Output attached below. I don't know what went wrong with the y-axis label or the theta but that's a problem for another day.
(2) If you upgrade all the way to gnuplot version 6 you could use the webp terminal to generate the animation rather than gif. The only lines you would need to change are
set terminal webp animate delay 4 size 1280,720
set output 'filename.webp'
This has the side benefit of producing a much smaller animation file (that's what webp is designed for).