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Get Invoke-Sqlcmd to show '0' and '1' for BIT columns

Invoke-Sqlcmd displays 'True' or 'False' for BIT columns.

SSMS displays '1' or '0' for BIT columns.

Yes, you and I know that 0=false and 1=true. Some more "business-oriented" users want to see it just like SSMS does it.

I can think of code to do it, but it is not brief. How can I get Invoke-Sqlcmd to display '0' and '1' for BIT column values?

SELECT TOP 1 value FROM master.dbo.MSreplication_options;

Output in SSMS:

Output is SSMS

Output in PowerShell console:

PS C:\> Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance ADB -TrustServerCertificate -Query 'SELECT TOP 1 value FROM master.dbo.MSreplication_options;'



  • Based on your update it sounds like you have the same problem as the one in the linked post, so this answer there offers a solution, based on modifying your queries:

    SELECT TOP 1 cast(value as int) FROM master.dbo.MSreplication_options;

    If you don't want to modify your queries, you'll need to resort to post-processing, which, however, is (a) more cumbersome and (b) performs worse:

    $query = 'SELECT TOP 1 value FROM master.dbo.MSreplication_options;'
    # An ordered helper hashtable (dictionary) for storing
    # copies of each input object's properties, from which
    # a [pscustomobject] can be constructed.
    $helperDict = [ordered] @{}
    Invoke-SqlCmd -Query $query <# ... #> |
      ForEach-Object {
        # Fill the helper dictionary with the current row's
        # properties, translating [bool] into [int] values.
        foreach ($prop in $_.psobject.Properties) {
          $name, $value = $prop.Name, $prop.Value
          # Exclude standard properties of DataRow instances.
          if ($name -in 'RowError', 'RowState', 'Table', 'ItemArray', 'HasErrors') { continue }
          $helperDict[$name] = if ($value -is [bool]) { [int] $value } else { $value }
        # Construct and output a custom object from the helper dictionary.
        [pscustomobject] $helperDict    


    • Since the data types of the properties of DataRow instances are immutable, updating them directly is not an option, so the above creates [pscustomobject] copies of them, including only those properties that represent actual column values (by explicitly including standard properties).

    • You could optimize the above by caching the names of the properties as well as the names of those that have [bool] values after having analyzed the first row, which saves you from having to use reflection in each iteration.

    If you additionally want (modified) DataRow instances as output, a different approach is required; here it is wrapped in a custom function, Convert-BitColumsToInt:

    # Accepts a stream of DataRow objects, assumed to be from the same
    # table, such as output by Invoke-SqlCmd,
    # and creates modified copies with [bool] column values replaced
    # by [int] ones.
    function Convert-BitColumsToInt {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
        [System.Data.DataRow] $InputObject
      begin {
        $dateTableClone = $null
      process {
        if ($null -eq $dateTableClone) { # First row received.
          # Create an empty clone of the input objects' data table.
          $dataTableClone = $InputObject.Table.Clone()
          # Change the data type of [bool] columns to [int]
          foreach ($col in $dataTableClone.Columns.Where({ $_.DataType -eq [bool] })) {
            $col.DataType = [int]
        # Copy the row's values to a new row in the clone, which implicitly
        # converts the [bool] values to [int], and pass the new row through
        # (thanks to enclosure in (...))
    # Sample call
    Invoke-SqlCmd -Query $query <# ... #> | 