to a long-running program with many active threads (each working on a job)To my (very inexperienced) mind, it seems like the cleanest way to make this happen is to trap the SIGTERM
in the 'main' thread, raise asynchronous exceptions in the child threads, and then use bracket
in the child threads to react to the asynchronous exception by running some cleanup code. Empirically I cannot make this work.
I have a Haskell program that spawns a number of threads to do work (using async
). Basically, it:
, paused
, cancelled
, aborted
)Crucially, the main thread runs forever, just listening for new jobs, unless interrupted by SIGINT
When the program gets a SIGINT
, I want to run some cleanup (namely, updating the database to set the status of in-flight jobs to aborted
) before the 'child' thread dies. However, I absolutely cannot figure out how to do this.
My understanding is that for handling exceptions thrown from a 'parent' thread to a 'child' thread is to use bracket
, which masks out the async exception for the main body of work , allowing you to run a cleanup function prior to terminating.
However, bracket
doesn't seem to interact well with signal handling. I have tried installing signal handlers, to try to get the SIGTERM
converted into a runtime exception that I can handle properly. This works great for the thread in which I installed the handler, but I can't throw an asynchronous exception to other threads, I think because they've also received the SIGTERM
, and so they just die immediately.
It also appears that I can't install an individual SIGTERM
per-thread, because it looks like the runtime can only have one signal handler per interrupt type across all threads (basically, if I do this, the last thread to start gets the interrupt, but all other threads, including the main thread, keep running).
Here's some example code that I've developed based on @Li-yao Xia's answer (which was super helpful - thank you).
One piece of the puzzle is that I'm creating child threads inside a recursive function (which listens to notifications on a job queue, then potentially spawns new workers in response). However, I can't see how to get pass the list of child threads to the exception handler, unless I attach the handler to every call of the recursive function (see example code below). However, this means that I'm not able to use effectively use tail-call recursion, and if I terminate the program, the exception handler gets called once for every loop as the stack frame unwinds. Is there a better pattern to make this work?
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, cancelWith)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException (..), Exception, SomeException, catch, throwIO)
import System.Posix (Signal)
import System.Posix.Signals (Handler (..), installHandler, sigHUP, sigINT, sigTERM, sigUSR1, sigUSR2, sigXCPU, sigXFSZ)
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, threadDelay, throwTo)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
data Result = Done | Aborted deriving (Show)
termMsg :: Int -> Result -> IO ()
termMsg n s = putStrLn $ "Thread " ++ show n ++ " terminated with " ++ show s
thread :: Int -> IO ()
thread n = job `catch` asyncHandler
job = do
for_ ([0 .. 9] :: [Int]) $ \_ -> do
putStrLn $ "Thread " ++ show n ++ " alive..."
threadDelay $ 5e5 * n
termMsg n Done
asyncHandler :: AsyncException -> IO ()
asyncHandler _ = do
termMsg n Aborted
parent :: IO ()
parent = run 0 []
run :: Int -> [Async ()] -> IO ()
run n w = do
( do
putStrLn $ "Main thread alive (loop " ++ show n ++ ")"
t <- async (thread n)
let nw = w ++ [t]
threadDelay 1e6
run (n + 1) nw
`catch` handler w
handler :: [Async ()] -> SomeException -> IO ()
handler children e = do
print e
cleanupChildren children
throwIO e
main :: IO ()
main = do
parent `catch` someExceptionHandler
cleanupChildren :: [Async ()] -> IO ()
cleanupChildren children = do
putStrLn "Cleaning up children..."
for_ children $ \t -> cancelWith t ThreadKilled
someExceptionHandler :: SomeException -> IO ()
someExceptionHandler e = do
putStrLn $ "Terminating with " ++ show e
throwIO e
data SignalException = SignalException Signal String
deriving (Show, Typeable, Eq)
instance Exception SignalException
signalsToHandle :: [(Signal, String)]
signalsToHandle = [(sigHUP, "SIGHUP"), (sigINT, "SIGINT"), (sigTERM, "SIGTERM"), (sigUSR1, "SIGUSR1"), (sigUSR2, "SIGUSR2"), (sigXCPU, "SIGXCPU"), (sigXFSZ, "SIGXFSZ")]
installSignalHandlers :: IO ()
installSignalHandlers = do
mainId <- myThreadId
forM_ signalsToHandle $ \(sig, name) -> installHandler sig (Catch (throwTo mainId $ SignalException sig name)) Nothing
Main thread alive (loop 0)
Thread 0 alive...
Main thread alive (loop 7)
Thread 7 alive...
Thread 3 alive...
Thread 5 alive...
Thread 4 alive...
Thread 2 alive...
Main thread alive (loop 8)
Thread 8 alive...
^CSignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
Thread 2 terminated with Aborted
Thread 3 terminated with Aborted
Thread 4 terminated with Aborted
Thread 5 terminated with Aborted
Thread 6 terminated with Aborted
Thread 7 terminated with Aborted
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Cleaning up children...
Terminating with SignalException 2 "SIGINT"
Here is a small example.
You may want to post your own minimal example to help diagnose your particular issue.
Could it be that your main thread is terminating without waiting for its children?
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay, myThreadId)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import System.Posix.Signals (installHandler, sigTERM, Handler(..))
data Result = Done | Aborted deriving Show
thread :: IO Result
thread = job `catch` handler
job = do
threadDelay 5000000
pure Done
handler AsyncCancelled = do
-- additional clean up can be done here
pure Aborted
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- install handler for SIGTERM: throw UserInterrupt to main thread
-- (SIGINT is already installed by default)
mainId <- myThreadId
installHandler sigTERM (Catch (throwTo mainId UserInterrupt)) Nothing
-- spawn threads
children <- for [0..9] $ \_ ->
async thread
-- wait for threads to terminate
let waitAll = do
for_ children $ \ t -> do
wait t
pure ()
putStrLn "Normal termination"
waitAll `catch` \e -> case e of
UserInterrupt -> do
putStrLn "Killed."
putStrLn "Cleaning up..."
for_ children $ \ t ->
cancel t
putStrLn "Waiting on children"
results <- for children $ \ t ->
wait t
putStrLn ("Job results: " ++ show results)
e -> throwIO e
Output after SIGINT or SIGTERM:
Cleaning up...
Waiting on children
Job results: [Aborted,Aborted,Aborted,Aborted,Aborted,Aborted,Aborted,Aborted,Aborted,Aborted]
Your modified example creates threads dynamically (you don't know ahead of time how many threads you will need) in a loop that is meant to listen for jobs. That complicates the structure of the program a little. Below is a fixed version.
thread, try listen
waits for either a job or an async exception. We pattern-match on the result outside of the exception handler try
; we either keep looping without growing the stack (run
is tail-recursive), or get an exception and clean up the children threads.mask_
makes it so that only the listen
part may raise an async exception. (Here it's not necessary to restore the mask on listen
because it uses a blocking operation, which already unmasks async exceptions.)import Control.Concurrent (newChan, writeChan, readChan)
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, withAsync, asyncWithUnmask, wait, cancelWith)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException (..), Exception, SomeException, catch, try, throwIO, mask_)
import System.Posix (Signal)
import System.Posix.Signals (Handler (..), installHandler, sigHUP, sigINT, sigTERM, sigUSR1, sigUSR2, sigXCPU, sigXFSZ)
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, threadDelay, throwTo)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
data Result = Done | Aborted deriving (Show)
termMsg :: Int -> Result -> IO ()
termMsg n s = putStrLn $ "Thread " ++ show n ++ " terminated with " ++ show s
data Job = Job Int
deriving Show
thread :: Job -> IO ()
thread (Job n) = job `catch` asyncHandler
job = do
for_ ([0 .. 9] :: [Int]) $ \_ -> do
putStrLn $ "Thread " ++ show n ++ " alive..."
threadDelay $ 5000000 * n
termMsg n Done
asyncHandler :: AsyncException -> IO ()
asyncHandler _ = do
-- cleanup
termMsg n Aborted
parent :: IO Job -> IO ()
parent listen = mask_ $ run []
run :: [Async ()] -> IO ()
run w = do
event <- try listen
putStrLn $ "Main thread alive (loop " ++ show event ++ ")"
case event :: Either SignalException Job of
Right job -> do
t <- asyncWithUnmask $ \unmask -> unmask (thread job)
let nw = w ++ [t]
run nw
Left e -> do
cleanupChildren w
throwIO e
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- `parent` waits for jobs by calling its `IO job` argument.
-- We implement it here by reading from a channel which gets populated by the createJobs thread below.
chan <- newChan
let listen = readChan chan
createJobs = for_ [1 .. 9] $ \i -> do
threadDelay 1000000
writeChan chan (Job i)
withAsync createJobs $ \_ ->
parent listen
cleanupChildren :: [Async ()] -> IO ()
cleanupChildren children = do
putStrLn "Cleaning up children..."
for_ children $ \t -> cancelWith t ThreadKilled
-- Wait for the children to terminate their own cleanup
for_ children $ \t -> wait t >> pure ()
data SignalException = SignalException Signal String
deriving (Show, Typeable, Eq)
instance Exception SignalException
signalsToHandle :: [(Signal, String)]
signalsToHandle = [(sigHUP, "SIGHUP"), (sigINT, "SIGINT"), (sigTERM, "SIGTERM"), (sigUSR1, "SIGUSR1"), (sigUSR2, "SIGUSR2"), (sigXCPU, "SIGXCPU"), (sigXFSZ, "SIGXFSZ")]
installSignalHandlers :: IO ()
installSignalHandlers = do
mainId <- myThreadId
forM_ signalsToHandle $ \(sig, name) -> installHandler sig (Catch (throwTo mainId $ SignalException sig name)) Nothing