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(Error) "make: *** No rule to make target 'caesar'. Stop." (in C)

Everytime I make a directory and code and make a file as such, it works. For some reason, this is not working. You can see my work in the terminal and you can see the file structure. For some reason I am able to make "caesar.h" which makes no sense (of course I get an error when running "./caesar.h"). This is not a duplicate question because I know for a fact I'm in the correct folder. This is also strictly in C.

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  • make may come with default rules for compiling certain files. It may compile .c files or .cpp files with different compilers for example.

    .h files are usually not compiled directly. They are #included by .c files to become a part of the .c file's translation unit. There is most probably no built-in rule in make to compile your .h file.

    Rename caesar.h into caesar.c and then try make caesar. My make has a default rule for .c files and compiles the program like so:

    $ make caesar
    cc     caesar.c   -o caesar

    If that doesn't work, your make may not have a default rule, so you could create a Makefile in the caesar directory:

    % : %.c
            $(CC) -o $@ $< -Og -Wall -Wextra -g -fsanitize=address,undefined

    Note that the space before $(CC) must be a single Tab character.