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gRPC InvalidArgument or FailedPrecondition if system cannot be updated

Suppose we have a gRPC DB-backed application with some resource X like this, for example in Go:

type X struct {
    id      string
    name    string
    version string

And for some reason the application does not permit updates unless version = "2".

If a client tries to make a request to update the name of an existing resource whose version = "1", like this:

// This exists in the DB.
x := X{
    id:      "xyz",
    version: "1",
    name:    "some name",

        id:      "xyz",
        name:    "some other name",

what gRPC error code should be returned?

Referring to the codes here:, I can see arguments for both INVALID_ARGUMENT and FAILED_PRECONDITION.


  • The resource cannot be updated so the request will always fail, and is hence invalid


  • The state of the system needs to be checked to see what the version of the resource is, you can't determine a priori whether the request is possible
  • Even though the system currently does not allow such updates, in theory it could be updated so that the request becomes acceptable


  • Based on your description, you should probably use FAILED_PRECONDITION. Like mentioned in INVALID_ARGUMENT indicates arguments that are problematic. But in your case the arguments is correct, but the system does not allow update, thus I think FAILED_PRECONDITION is a better fit.