I am currently developing an authentication feature in my app using Firebase Auth and GetX as state management tool.
For this, I have an AuthStateController that looks like this:
class AuthStateController extends GetxController {
FirebaseAuth firebaseAuth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
Rxn<User> user = Rxn<User>();
void onInit() {
I then call firebase's createUserWithEmailAndPassword function. This works properly, the user correctly gets created, but my user variable is not updated, even though the stream correctly emits a user object.
After restarting the app, the user is logged in and login and logout work as expected from here on.
I need this user variable to reactively show the registration screen respectively the home screen in my UI after registering. The code for this roughly looks like this:
return Obx(( {
if (authStateController.user.value != null) {
return HomePage();
} else {
return LoginPage();
Anywhere else in this project GetX works really well and as expected.
I have set up firebase following this tutorial: https://firebase.google.com/docs/flutter/setup?platform=android
My pubspec.yaml file looks like this:
firebase_core: ^2.24.2
firebase_auth: ^4.16.0
get: ^4.6.6
I have tested this on an emulator (iOS and Android) and a real device, both do not work.
Any tips on what I am doing wrong here?
I managed to find a solution, but I am not quite sure what was causing the problem.
I was using
builder: (context) => const RegistrationPage(),
to navigate between my login page and the registration page. This somehow messed up how GetX refreshes widgets. Once the authentification UI was placed in a single widget, everything worked as expected.