I'm struggling with something apparently simple. I have a view that arrives with a navigationLink since is not the primary view of my app. In this view i have some links that sends to this view but with different data's. I want to nest those links, but now i'm reciving the double tab View on top. How can I change this? I knwo that I need to toogle the Navigation bar on the second view, but my second view is actually the same view but with different data.
Here's the code
/// ContentView
struct MatchListView: View {
var namespace: Namespace.ID
@ObservedObject var dataViewModel = DataViewModel()
@State private var selectedMatchID: Int?
@State private var selectedDayIndex: Int = 0
@State private var headerHeight: CGFloat = 0
@State private var didFinishFirst = false
var body: some View {
ForEach(data.leagues, id: \.id) { league in
VStack {
leagueHeader(league: league)
ForEach(league.matches, id: \.id) { match in
matchRow(match: match, namespace: namespace)
func matchRow(match: Match, namespace: Namespace.ID) -> some View {
NavigationLink(destination: MatchDetailsView(namespace: namespace, matchID: match.id, homeTeamName: match.home.name, awayTeamName: match.away.name)) {
Text("go to match \(match.id)")
/// MatchDetails View
struct MatchDetailsView: View {
NavigationView {
List {
ScrollView(showsIndicators: false) {
HighlightsView(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
MOTMView(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
EventsView(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
MatchStats(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
MatchTopPlayers(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
TeamFormView(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
.toolbar {
ShareLink(item: URL(string: "https://maykmayk.github.io/Balun/#/match-details/\(matchID)")!) {
Label("", systemImage: "square.and.arrow.up")
Button {
// action
} label: {
Image(systemName: "bell")
Button {
// action
} label: {
Image(systemName: "star")
/// TeamformView
struct TeamFormView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: MatchDetailsView(namespace: namespace, matchID: getMatchID(from: match.linkToMatch ?? ""), homeTeamName: match.home?.name ?? "", awayTeamName: match.away?.name ?? "")) {
Text(match.score ?? "")
.font(.system(size: 14, weight: .medium))
.padding(.horizontal, 5)
.padding(.vertical, 2.5)
match.resultString == "W" ? Color.greenAccent :
match.resultString == "L" ? Color.redAccent :
match.resultString == "D" ? Color.gray.opacity(0.5) :
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 6, style: .continuous))
My Preview: https://ibb.co/gRHcDSb What I want: https://ibb.co/W6ysFYn
Posting it as an answere here. The issue you are facing is due to nested NavigationView's. That's why you are seeing more then one navigation bar when navigating to a new screen. Tip: unless you are supporting iOS 15 or older, consider using NavigationStack.
You can edit your code to resemble this:
NavigationView {
MatchListView(namespace: namespace)
MatchListView can stay as it was I guess:
struct MatchListView: View {
var namespace: Namespace.ID
//@ObservedObject var dataViewModel = DataViewModel()
@State private var selectedMatchID: Int?
@State private var selectedDayIndex: Int = 0
@State private var headerHeight: CGFloat = 0
@State private var didFinishFirst = false
var body: some View {
ForEach(["Leage 1", "League 2"], id: \.self) { league in
VStack {
ForEach(["Match 1", "Match 2"], id: \.self) { match in
NavigationLink(destination: MatchDetailsView()) {
Text("go to match ID")
Remove the other NavigationView from here:
struct MatchDetailsView: View {
var body: some View {
/// Remove this NavigationView and others if parents views already have one
//NavigationView {
List {
ScrollView(showsIndicators: false) {
// HighlightsView(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
// MOTMView(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
// EventsView(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
// MatchStats(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
// MatchTopPlayers(matchViewModel: matchViewModel)
.toolbar {
I hope this has worked well for you and the explaination was clear!