The image (attached) is a simple "AppScript" adapted from a popular YouTube ...that allows "Values" (in a column) to be increased by 1 - by clicking an "Arrow" (button) - that I've linked to the script
By Clicking the "Up" Arrow, all the values will change from 6 7 (ie: go "Up" by one value)
QUESTION(s): How do I 'adjust' the Script to:
And finally, if a Value is 'different' than the other values (eg: 5 ...instead of 7)
Currently, the Script will change 5 to an 8 (along with all the 7's)
I'd like the Script to change the 5 to a 6 (and the 7's can increment to 8's)
You can have the script iterate through each of the value of the range and increment it if the value isn't equal to 0.
Do try this script:
function incrementA2A5() {
var sourceSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var range = sourceSheet.getRange("A2:A5");
var values = range.getValues();
//The forEach loop below iterates through each value of the range.
//If the value isn't equal to zero, the loop will increment it by one.
values.forEach(x => x[0] != 0 ? x[0] += 1 : x[0]);
range.setValues(values); //Sets the updated values on the range