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How do I replace a JSON string with its parsed equivalent in place with jq?

I have a JSON array with a bunch of objects, all the same keys, but some of the keys contain serialized JSON instead of actual JSON. Something like this.

    "a": 1,
    "b": "{\"c\":2}"

and I'd like to replace the contents of all the bs with their parsed form.

    "a": 1,
    "b": { "c": 2 }

How can I do this, ideally with jq?


  • Use fromjson, and update the fields in question using .[].b |=.

    .[].b |= fromjson


    If you want to decode all JSON-encoded strings, unknowing which ones are, you could try using fromjson, and in case of a failure resort to the original input .. try can be abbreviated to ?:

    .[][] |= (fromjson? // .)


    Both output:

        "a": 1,
        "b": {
          "c": 2