import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
plt.legend(title='Fibonacci series',loc='upper left',labels={'fib1','fib2'})
I used the above code, I customized the handles but they are not the same as the figure. Is there any way that i can get the right handle with customized name?
Maybe this is a relevant question.
As a simple workaround, I found that using Pandas helps alleviate the need to edit the legend labels via plt
(which breaks the final rendering). You just have to create a DataFrame with two columns, the names of which are the labels you want to show inside the legend. Seaborn will use these column names as legend labels by default.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'fib1': comp_fib1, 'fib2': comp_fib2})
ax = sns.lineplot(data=df, legend='full', markers=['*', 'o'], palette='colorblind')
ax.legend(title='Fibonacci series', loc='upper left')