Expected behavior is when focused on the name input in the form, hitting enter should submit the form. What actually happens is that it triggers the X button to remove the website input. Clicking enter again calls the add website button to bring it back, and continues to toggle it when clicking enter.
<form action="/api/test" method="post">
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<div id="websites">
<div id="website-{{.WebsiteId}}" class="flex my-2">
<button hx-swap="delete" hx-trigger="click"
<button hx-get="/input/website" hx-trigger="click" hx-target="#websites"
hx-swap="beforeend">Add Website</button>
<div class="flex sm:flex-row flex-col">
<button type="submit">Add</button>
Video of what is happening on enter click:
I've tried adding the hx-trigger="click"
to all the elements that have an htmx request on it. I was hoping that this would limit the requests to just a mouse click, but the problem persists.
You have to add type="button"
to first two buttons.
What happens is when you don't define button type, the form assumes it's of submit type by default, hence your issue.