I have to use bitmap and a picture box. I'm new to c# and still trying to figure out how everything works. I've been stuck on this problem for 2 days with no success
namespace WheelOfFortune
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
private void Spin_wheel()
// 1.Create Bitmap Array to loop pictures
//Create data set to hold strings which the user can change
//Array for wheel
//2-1-4-3(order of pictures)
string image1 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel2.png");
string image2 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel1.png");
string image3 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel4.png");
string image4 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel3.png");
string[] arr = new string[4];
arr[0] = image1;
arr[1] = image2;
arr[2] = image3;
arr[3] = image4;
if (File.Exists(image4))
//Random count to randomize rotation
//Bitmap pictures
Bitmap picture = new Bitmap(arr[0]);
wheelPictureBox.Image = picture;
Random rnd = new Random(4);
int rotation = rnd.Next();
for (int i = 0; i < rotation; i++)
while (i == 0) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[0]);
while (i == 1) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[1]);
while (i == 2) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[2]);
while (i == 3) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[3]);
MessageBox.Show("Please make sure the file integrity is intact");
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Your code doesn't make a lot of sense, so let's go over it a bit at a time:
//Array for wheel
//2-1-4-3(order of pictures)
string image1 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel2.png");
string image2 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel1.png");
string image3 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel4.png");
string image4 = (@"C:\Users\adm1\Documents\Programing\WheelOfFortune\WheelOfFortune\Resources\wheel3.png");
string[] arr = new string[4];
arr[0] = image1;
arr[1] = image2;
arr[2] = image3;
arr[3] = image4;
Here we would better be served with a List
structure of Bitmaps rather than strings. We will want to swap between bitmaps to produce the animation, not build a bitmap every time we want to display an image. Ideally it should use a relative path, which will be from the ./Bin/Debug during debugging or wherever the executable is run from. The bitmaps could be embedded resources within the assembly or kept in a /Resources sub folder. List
is a simpler structure to work with since we can easily append items while still accessing items by index like an array. Whether a List
or array we should use a set of bitmaps rather than merely file names.
List images = new List(); if (File.Exists("Resources/wheel2.png")) images.Add(new Bitmap("Resources/wheel2.png"); if (File.Exists("Resources/wheel1.png")) images.Add(new Bitmap("Resources/wheel1.png"); if (File.Exists("Resources/wheel4.png")) images.Add(new Bitmap("Resources/wheel4.png"); if (File.Exists("Resources/wheel3.png")) images.Add(new Bitmap("Resources/wheel3.png");
I don't know why you need to load the images as 2-1-4-3 vs. just rename the files if they are out of order...
So now we have a set of actual bitmaps to rotate through. Next:
Random rnd = new Random(4);
int rotation = rnd.Next();
This says: "Make a random generator with a seed of 4 and give me a random integer from 0 to int.Max". If you wanted a random number from 0-3 what you'd really be looking for is:
Random rnd = new Random();
int rotation = rnd.Next(0,4);
The "seed" is just a starting value to use, not a limiter or directly linked to the value returned by Next. It is just provided in cases where you want a predictable, repeatable pattern for the initial Random.Next
We can come back to what you intend from the random number rotation afterwards.
for (int i = 0; i < rotation; i++)
while (i == 0) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[0]);
while (i == 1) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[1]);
while (i == 2) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[2]);
while (i == 3) ;
picture = new Bitmap(arr[3]);
Now the above code has several things wrong. while
is a loop structure, what it looks like is that you wanted a conditional structure with is if
if (i == 0)
picture = new Bitmap(arr[0]);
else if (i == 1)
picture = new Bitmap(arr[1]);
However, this is really doing nothing more than:
picture = new Bitmap(arr[i]);
This is setting picture to a new Bitmap instance but you are not updating your actual control's image reference, so setting "picture" here does nothing.
With the new List<Bitmap> images
this can be simplified. for instance if we want to do one full rotation:
for (int count = 0; count < 4; count ++)
wheelPictureBox.Image = images[count];
Now if you want to introduce a random # of rotations, such as 1-4 full rotations:
int rotations = new Random().Next(1,5); // 1-4
int index = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < rotations * 4; count ++)
wheelPictureBox.Image = images[index++];
if (index > 3) index = 0;
That would give you a randomized spin of 1-4 full rotations. Here we use a "index" variable to keep count of the rotation index in the list of images, from 0 to 3 then back to 0. We cannot use "count" since that will go beyond 3 and result in an index out of range exception since we want to loop through the 4 bitmaps in our list then go back to the first image. index++
says "take the current index value, then after using it, increment". After that we have a check to see if it has been incremented past 3, and if so, reset it to 0.
If you wanted to include partial rotations for up to 4 full rotations:
int rotationTicks = new Random().Next(1,17); // 1-4 full rotations (16 quarter rotations)
int index = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < rotationTicks; count ++)
wheelPictureBox.Image = images[index++];
if (index > 3) index = 0;
That should hopefully get you moving in the right direction around understanding how to get a simple animation loop running.