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RhinoMocks: Clear or reset AssertWasCalled()

How can I verify a mock is called in the "act" portion of my test ignoring any calls to the mock in the "arrange" portion of the test.

public void ShouldOpenThrottleWhenDrivingHome()
    var engineMock = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IEngine>();
    var car = new Car(engineMock);
    car.DriveToGroceryStore(); // this will call engine.OpenThrottle


    engine.AssertWasCalled(e => e.OpenThrottle());

I'd prefer not to try an inject a fresh mock or rely on .Repeat() because the test then has to know how many times the method is called in the setup.


  • In these situations I use a mock instead of a stub and combination of Expect and VerifyAllExpectations:

    var engineMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IEngine>();
    var car = new Car(engineMock);
    car.DriveToGroceryStore(); // this will call engine.OpenThrottle
    engineMock.Expect(e => e.OpenThrottle());

    In this case the expectation is placed on the method after the arranging is complete. Sometimes I think of this as its own testing style: Arrange, Expect, Act, Assert