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Creating Relationships in Neo4j Without Recreating Nodes

I'm currently working on a project using Neo4j, and I'm facing a challenge related to creating relationships without recreating nodes. Here's a brief overview of the scenario: want to establish relationships between an existing user, a new post, and multiple categories (already exists).

I aim to establish relationships between an existing user, a newly created post, and multiple pre-existing categories. However, the issue is that, instead of creating relationships only, multiple posts are being generated.

Below is the current Cypher query:

MATCH (user:User {username: 'your_username'})
MATCH (categories:Category)
WHERE ID(categories) IN [1, 2, 3]

// Create a new post node (you can adjust this part based on your post structure)
CREATE (post:TPost {title: 'Post Title', content: 'Post Content', createdAt: timestamp()})

// Create relationships between the user and the post
CREATE (user)-[:POSTED]->(post)

WITH post, COLLECT(categories) AS categoryList

// this part should create relationships only 
FOREACH (category IN categoryList | 
    CREATE (post)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(category) 

enter image description here


  • Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for your assistance (@Finbar Good). Your solution was quite close to what I needed. However, there was a little issue – instead of creating multiple posts, it was generating new category nodes. To fix this, I implemented a forEach loop, and it resolved the problem.

    MATCH (user:User {username: 'user_name'})
    CREATE (post:TPost {title: 'Post Title', content: 'Post Content', createdAt: timestamp()})
    CREATE (user)-[:POSTED]->(post)
    WITH post
    MATCH (categories:Category)
    WHERE id(categories) IN [12, 7, 9]
    WITH post, collect(categories) as cats
    FOREACH (c IN cats | CREATE (post)-[:BELONGS_TO]->(c))
    RETURN *

    enter image description here