in the following query i want to search on both name and agreementNumber but in OR mode, if name or agreementNumber matches then find but it is not working like this
async findAll(filter: DataFilterDto): Promise<ApiResponseDto> {
const take = filter.count || 10;
const pageNo = filter.pageNo > 0 ? filter.pageNo - 1 : 0;
const skip = pageNo * take;
let where: FindOptionsWhere<AgreementEntity> = {};
if (HelperService.isValueValid( {
where["id"] =;
if (HelperService.isValueValid(filter.enquiryId)) {
where["enquiryId"] = filter.enquiryId;
if (HelperService.isValueValid(filter.applicantId)) {
where["applicantId"] = filter.applicantId;
if (HelperService.isValueValid(filter.searchText)) {
const iLike = ILike(`%${filter.searchText}%`);
// where["name"] = iLike;
// where["agreementNumber"] = iLike;
// Create an OR condition for name and agreementNumber fields
where['_OR'] = [
{ 'name': iLike },
{ 'agreementNumber': iLike }
const query = {
where: where,
relations: ["enquiryInfo", "enquiryInfo.applicantInfo"],
order: { id: SortOrder.Desc },
let [result, total] = await this.agreementsRepo.findAndCount(query);
return { data: result, count: total };
Recently I also had this same problem, looking at the TypeORM documentation I identified that there is no _OR
inside a where
object, so that the OR and AND conditions work, I used it as shown in the code below:
async findAll(filter: DataFilterDto): Promise<ApiResponseDto> {
const take = filter.count || 10;
const pageNo = filter.pageNo > 0 ? filter.pageNo - 1 : 0;
const skip = pageNo * take;
const conditionWithAnd = {};
const conditionWithOr = [];
if (HelperService.isValueValid(
conditionWithAnd["id"] =;
if (HelperService.isValueValid(filter.enquiryId)) {
conditionWithAnd["enquiryId"] = filter.enquiryId;
if (HelperService.isValueValid(filter.applicantId)) {
conditionWithAnd["applicantId"] = filter.applicantId;
if (HelperService.isValueValid(filter.searchText)) {
const iLike = ILike(`%${filter.searchText}%`);
conditionWithOr.push({ ...conditionWithAnd, name: iLike });
conditionWithOr.push({ ...conditionWithAnd, agreementNumber: iLike });
const where = conditionWithOr.length ? conditionWithOr : conditionWithAnd;
const query = {
relations: ["enquiryInfo", "enquiryInfo.applicantInfo"],
order: { id: SortOrder.Desc },
let [result, total] = await this.agreementsRepo.findAndCount(query);
return { data: result, count: total };
I believe this change to your code should now work correctly.