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How can I connect my SpringBoot application to Apache Ozone using Kerberos

I want to pull data from Apache Ozone into my SpringBoot application. The authentication method for connecting to Ozone Store is Kerberos.

I have OzoneUrl(hostIp & Port), KeyTab, Principal and ServicePrincipal and i want to use these properties for connection

I tried using this dependency

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My Connection Code =>

 OzoneConfiguration ozoneConfiguration = new OzoneConfiguration();
OzoneClient oz = OzoneClientFactory.getRpcClient(ozoneConfiguration);

The code successfully tries to connect to Ozone but I want to connect it using Kerberos


  • You need to set these properties for secure cluster. //set om leader node ozoneConfiguration.set("", "xx:xx:xx:xx");

     //Setting kerberos authentication
     ozoneConfiguration.set("", "*");
     ozoneConfiguration.set("", "true");
     ozoneConfiguration.set("", "privacy");
     ozoneConfiguration.set("", "kerberos");
     ozoneConfiguration.set("", "true");
    //Passing keytab for Authentication
    UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab("om pricipal","ozone.keytab- 
    location on-spring-boot-host");
    • copy ozone.keytab into spring boot host and refer the path in loginUserFromKeytab (ozone.keytab-location on-spring-boot-host)
    • copy krb5.conf to your spring-boot-host under etc directory .