#access existing application insight
data "azurerm_application_insights" "dev"{
name = var.tf_var_app_insights_name
resource_group_name = var.tf_var_rg_name
#################step-1 function app creation
data "azurerm_service_plan" "dev" {
name = var.tf_var_app_service_plan
resource_group_name = var.tf_var_rg_name
data "azurerm_storage_account" "dev" {
name = var.tfvarstname
resource_group_name = var.tf_var_rg_name
#create function app
resource azurerm_windows_function_app "dev" {
name = var.tf_var_rg_functionapp
resource_group_name = var.tf_var_rg_name
storage_account_name = var.tfvarstname
storage_account_access_key = data.azurerm_storage_account.dev.primary_access_key
location = var.tf_var_rg_location
service_plan_id = data.azurerm_service_plan.dev.id
functions_extension_version =var.tf_var_function_extention_version
auth_settings {
enabled = true
active_directory {
client_id = var.tf_var_client_id
client_secret = var.tf_var_client_secret
default_provider = var.tf_var_provider
issuer = var.tf_var_issuer
application_stack {
dotnet_version = var.tf_var_dot_net_version
application_insights_key =data.azurerm_application_insights.dev.instrumentation_key
tags ={
environment = var.tf_var_tags_environment
application_name =var.tf_var_tags_application_name
function_name =var.tf_var_tags_function_name
data "azurerm_virtual_network" "dev" {
name = var.tf_var_virtual_network_name
resource_group_name = var.tf_var_rg_name
output "vnet_id" {
value = data.azurerm_virtual_network.dev.id
data "azurerm_subnet" "dev" {
name = var.tf_var_subnet_name
resource_group_name = var.tf_var_rg_name
virtual_network_name = data.azurerm_virtual_network.dev.name
output "subnet_id" {
value= data.azurerm_subnet.dev.id
resource "azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection" "dev" {
app_service_id = data.azurerm_service_plan.dev.id
subnet_id = data.azurerm_subnet.dev.id
depends_on = [data.azurerm_subnet.dev, azurerm_windows_function_app.dev]
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
The error message is below .I am trying to create a function app using existing resources. All the other parts are working. I just need a little support on virtual network integration. If anyone can support that will be great.
I tried to add
depends_on = [data.azurerm_subnet.dev, azurerm_windows_function_app.dev]
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
but it did not work anywhere. I need a little support on what am I missing ?
By giving Credit to Vinay B, the answer is to add function app id instead of app service plan id
resource "azurerm_app_service_virtual_network_swift_connection" "dev" {
# service_plan_id = data.azurerm_service_plan.dev.id
app_service_id = azurerm_windows_function_app.dev.id
subnet_id = data.azurerm_subnet.dev.id
depends_on = [data.azurerm_subnet.dev, azurerm_windows_function_app.dev]
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [