I am trying to calculate the following function:
For every point x I need to evaluate the integral numerically since it can't be solved analytically.
(At least sympy and WolframAlpha can't do it) I am using scipy.integrate.quad for this.
However, the sinh functions throw math range or float overflow errors when s is larger than ~300. I tried numpy functions and Python built-in math libraries.
Is there a way to properly calculate this?
Here is the equation implementation:
from scipy.integrate import quad
h = 0.0005
G = 1
R= 0.002
upsilon = 0.06
gamma = 0.072
def style_s(r, gamma, upsilon, G):
x_ = (r-R)/h
B = upsilon/(2*G) # substitute B for constants in last operand in denominator
def integrand(s_):
return np.cos(s_*x_)/(((1+2*s_**2 + np.cosh(2*s_))/(np.sinh(2*s_) - 2*s_))*s_ + B/h*s_**2)
int_out = quad(integrand, 0, inf)
return gamma/(2*np.pi*G) * int_out[0]
You can write
sinh(2x) = 0.5(exp(2x)-exp(-2x)) = exp(2x)*0.5*(1-exp(-4x))
cosh(2x) = 0.5(exp(2x)+exp(-2x)) = exp(2x)*0.5*(1+exp(-4x))
Then multiply top and bottom of your fraction by exp(-2x) to get
exp(-2x) sinh(2x) = 0.5*(1-exp(-4x))
exp(-2x) cosh(2x) = 0.5*(1+exp(-4x))
The decaying exponential doesn't seem to mind large s.
Note that there's also an s/s-type behaviour near s=0, which you might want to remove. However, the integrator doesn't seem to worry about that.
from math import pi
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
h = 0.0005
G = 1
R= 0.002
upsilon = 0.06
gamma = 0.072
def style_s(r, gamma, upsilon, G):
x = (r-R)/h
B = upsilon/(2*G)
def integrand( s ):
E2 = np.exp( -2 * s )
E4 = np.exp( -4 * s )
return h * (0.5*(1.0-E4) - 2*s*E2) * np.cos(s*x) \
/ s / ( h * 0.5*(1.0+E4) + B*s*0.5*(1.0-E4) + 2*s**2*(h-B)*E2 + h*E2 )
int_out = quad(integrand, 0, np.inf)
return gamma/(2*pi*G) * int_out[0]
r = 0.003
print( style_s( r, gamma, upsilon, G ) )
You don't give the value of r: I've guessed r=0.003
I'm still getting a warning, but the output is