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How to read/write data with BLE and `react-native-ble-plx`?

I successfully setup react-native-ble-plx to a handle BLE device.

I don't have any prior experience working with bluetooth. From my understanding and after reading the documentation, here is how I am supposed to read some informations from the bluetooth device.

// Connect to the device
const connectedDevice = await device.connect();

// Discover all services and characteristics
const servicesAndCharacteristics = await connectedDevice.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics();

// let's say I discovered these UUID
const SERVICE_UUID = '0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb';
const CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = '00002a23-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb';

// Writing command
const characteristic1 = await servicesAndCharacteristics.writeCharacteristicWithResponseForService(SERVICE_UUID, CHARACTERISTIC_UUID, CMD_GET_INFO);

// Reading the response
const response1 = await;
console.log(response1.value); // Logs the response

I received this documentation from the firmware developer of the bluetooth device.

After establishing Bluetooth communication between the app and the controller, the app can retrieve device information using CMD_GET_INFO. At this stage, direct read-and-write to the device are not yet possible. The app needs to send the CMD_ENTER_PRO command and wait for the controller to respond with 'Success' before it can proceed to send other commands.

I don't understand this part

the app can retrieve device information using CMD_GET_INFO

I thought communication for BLE uses Service UUID and Characteristic UUID.
On the entire documentation i have zero mention about UUID's.
Only using CMD_GET_INFO, but how?

I tried every combinaison of SERVICE_UUID, and CHARACTERISTIC_UUID discovered with discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics, used plain string for CMD_GET_INFO or base64.encode.

Every-time I encounter this kind of error:

Failed to connect Characteristic xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx read failed for device


  • What informations would I need to "CRUD" data on the device? (I have a web background so for me it's reading a classic REST api documentation).
  • Does it make sense if I ask to give examples how how to use SERVICE_UUID and CHARACTERISTIC_UUID.

I don't understand if the errors are coming from my code, or a broken build of the firmware.

Edit Following @Michael answer I downloaded nRF Connect.

It's great to debug. I think the errors are not from my implementation in React Native but from the device it self because I have this error:

BLE timeout


  • Upon investigating, I discovered that my issue is related to the Bluetooth firmware.

    Daniel explains it quite clearly in this video.

    Services UUID and Characteristics UUID comes from your device manual or your firmware engineer.

    So, i "just" need to ask a better documentation.