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How to conveniently parse a very specific chunk of a plaintext file in Ada?

I'm trying to read a URI Extension Block of a Share from Tahoe-LAFS in Ada. It looks something like this:


Now, I was trying to come up with a solution how to get it into a Record type, but I didn't succeed. I thought of a few:

  1. Get all the values into a Map(String)String and after that cast them into their actual types.
  2. Check for the first component of the value, and process it immediately with a switch case statement


  • You seem to have a string with the structure


    where field is structured


    and <value> is <length> characters long. This is easily parsed using Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index from the standard library:

    function Parsed (Line : in String) return Whatever is
       Result  : Whatever;
       Start   : Positive := Line'First;
       Colon_1 : Positive; -- Constraint_Error will be raised if a colon is missing
       Colon_2 : Positive;
    begin -- Parsed;
       All_Fields : loop
          exit All_Fields when Start > Line'Last;
          Colon_1 := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Line, ":", Start);
          Colon_2 := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (Line, ":", Colon_1 + 1);
          One_Field : declare
             Name   : constant String   := Line (Start .. Colon_1 - 1);
             Length : constant Positive := Integer'Value (Line (Colon_1 + 1 .. Colon_2 - 1) );
             Value  : constant String   := Line (Colon_2 + 1 .. Colon_2 + Length);
          begin -- One_Field
             -- Update Result using Name and Value
             Start := Colon_2 + Length + 2;
          end One_Field;
       end loop All_Fields;
       return Result;
    end Parsed;