I'm using firebase functions like so...
exports.sendLicenseAgain = onCall({
enforceAppCheck: true,
consumeAppCheckToken: true,
}, async (req) => {
and i have this in my angular 17 front end code
import { getFunctions, httpsCallable } from 'firebase/functions';
import { AppCheck, getToken } from '@angular/fire/app-check';
getToken(this.appCheck).then((token) => {
const funcs = getFunctions();
const sendFunc= httpsCallable(funcs, "sendLicenseAgain", { limitedUseAppCheckTokens: true })
sendFunc({ ... })
I get error status 401 because i haven't included the appcheck token. I know I'm supposed to put the token in the headers with 'X-Firebase-AppCheck' in the http request, but I can't find a way to do that with the httpsCallable funciton. Am I missing something?
EDIT: more info on my implementation: in app.config.ts:
importProvidersFrom(provideAppCheck(() => {
const provider = new ReCaptchaV3Provider("...");
return initializeAppCheck(undefined, { provider, isTokenAutoRefreshEnabled: true });
in app.component.ts (because im in a local host env)
UPDATE: I removed replay protection code from firebase functions and my web app and now it works.
Specifically I removed from the function's index.js:
consumeAppCheckToken: true,
And i removed from my web app's httpsCallable invocation:
{ limitedUseAppCheckTokens: true }
based on no evidence, I'm thinking the error come from using the debug token with the replay protection.