I am working on a site that has two types of customers "b2c" & "b2b". I want to style the pages differently depending on which type of customer accesses the page.
Is there a way to define a custom tailwind theme prefix like b2c:bg-blue-400
& b2b:bg-green-400
I have seen examples of this done fx. headlessui tabs
Futhermore is it possible to also allow dark mode options like b2c:text-black dark:b2c:text-white
I've tried to modify the default theme, but I cannot find a solution that lets me choose between two different class options depending on a given theme.
You could consider using a Tailwind Plugin to register custom static variants. For example, if b2c and b2b are to be identified by some parent class b2c
and b2b
respectively, you could do:
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
module.exports = {
// …
plugins: [
plugin(function({ addVariant }) {
addVariant('b2c', '.b2c &');
addVariant('b2b', '.b2b &');
These would then allow you to use class names like b2c:bg-blue-400
and b2b:bg-green-400
, which would generate CSS like:
.b2c .b2c\:bg-blue-400 {
.b2b .b2b\:bg-green-400 {
Additionally, these new variants will automatically work with other variants, like dark:b2c:text-white
, which would geneate something like:
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark){
.b2c .dark\:b2c\:text-white {