I run the following in PowerShell:
Get-AzSqlDatabaseGeoBackup -ResourceGroupName "ContosoResourceGroup" -ServerName "ContosoServer"
It lists all the backups for the databases, specifically the ResourceId for each.
Now the resource id I assume is a blob because they are db backups?
How do I copy that blob to a storage account in Azure using az cli
Now the resource id I assume is a blob because they are db backups?
Agreed with @Venkat V The Resource ID is not a blob, its essential for uniquely identifying and referencing Azure resources when performing operations such as management, monitoring, or automation using Azure APIs, PowerShell cmdlets, Azure CLI, or Terraform.
How do I copy that blob to a storage account in Azure using
az cli
az sql db export -s ServerName -n DatabaseName -g ResourceGroupName --admin-password "password" --admin-user "SQL username/ AD usename" --auth-type ADPassword/SQL --storage-key Storage_account_key== --storage-key-type StorageAccessKey --storage-uri "https://StorageAccountName.blob.core.windows.net/Folder1/myBacpac1.bacpac"