I am trying to generate a Balance, but I get a circular dependency. The Initial Balance (the day the report is consulted will be Day 1) is the sum (Table1[Qty]). Then from second day on, it will be Final Balance Sales, Sum Table2[Qty Sold] of the corresponding day Final Balance, it will be Initial Balance - Sales.
Also, the visual is a matrix and it should be possible to get to see the values of Initial Balance, Sales and Final Balance per item.
Inventory = Calculate(
SUM ( 'Table1'[Qty] ))
Sales = Calculate(
SUM ( 'Table2'[Qty Sold] )
Initial Balance = IF(
MAX(Dates[Date]) = TODAY(),
Final Balance = IF(
MAX(Dates[Date]) = TODAY(),
[Inventory] - [Sales],
[Initial Balance] - [Sales]
Is there any way to work with this? Because, in the end, one measure depends on the other.
Think about it this way:
Initial Balance =
var thisDate = MAX(Dates[Date])
var vSales =
'Table2'[Date] < thisDate // note <
return [Inventory] - vSales
Final Balance =
var thisDate = MAX(Dates[Date])
var vSales =
'Table2'[Date] <= thisDate // note <=
return [Inventory] - vSales
Both measures above are independent of each other.