I have a YAML file located in an Azure DevOps repository. This YAML file was migrated from GUI pipelines in ADO.
The idea is that this YAML file should start after we create a pull request to the branch, in order to conduct unit tests. The name of this YAML file is added to the "Build validation" in the branch that we want to test.
The file is located in the folder devops\pipeline
Error that I have: Build not run
The most interesting thing is that if you mention the pipeline itself, which has a GUI setting, it works correctly.
started first code in yaml file
vmImage: windows-latest
NetVersion: '6'
BuildConfiguration: Release
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Use .NET $(NetVersion).x sdk '
version: $(NetVersion).x
includePreviewVersions: true
Error that I have: Build not run
I can reproduce the same if the yaml build doesn't exist:
Please make sure the build pipeline exists before you create Pull request.
In addition, please also make sure the trigger
setting is automatic
on the build validation.
The pipeline in Pull request works now: