I have a gRPC-based project in Quarkus. I have to return some data fetched from a PostgreSQL database, where some of the columns are of timestamp without time zone
type — mapped to LocalDateTime
in Java.
create table users (
id uuid not null default gen_random_uuid(),
created_on timestamp without time zone not null default localtimestamp(6),
modified_on timestamp without time zone not null default localtimestamp(6),
primary key (id)
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/type/datetime.proto"; <- Doesn't work :/
message GetUserResponse {
optional string id = 1;
optional google.type.DateTime created_on = 5;
optional google.type.DateTime modified_on = 6;
public class User {
private UUID id;
private LocalDateTime createdOn;
private LocalDateTime modifiedOn;
I've tried importing com.google.api.grpc:proto-google-common-protos:2.33.0
into the project so I can use google/type/datetime.proto
, but somehow the types are not getting recognized.
$ ./gradlew clean quarkusBuild
> Task :clean
> Task :processResources
google/type/datetime.proto: File not found.
user.proto:12:1: Import "google/type/datetime.proto" was not found or had errors.
user.proto:43:12: "google.type.DateTime" is not defined.
user.proto:44:12: "google.type.DateTime" is not defined.
NOTE: I can certainly use
in Java because I see thatgoogle/protobuf/timestamp.proto
is recognized. BothOffsetDateTime
will let me store what I want, because I use UTC across the board, but I would rather solve the problem and avoid changing too many things which might break some others.
Is there a way to register the types coming from com.google.api.grpc:proto-google-common-protos
? My assumption is that just by importing that library they should be available.
There is a Quarkus guide for gRPC code generation. I think this may solve this problem, but so far, using quarkus.generate-code.grpc.scan-for-imports
, quarkus.generate-code.grpc.scan-for-proto
, or quarkus.generate-code.grpc.scan-for-proto-include.
doesn't make any difference.
The gRPC Code Generation Reference Guide documents different ways to scan/include/generate code based on what's available in the project.
In my case, since I already had com.google.api.grpc:proto-google-common-protos
in the dependencies, I just wanted to make all the *.proto
files available in the project, so I used scan-for-imports
scan-for-imports: all
There is also a way to scan only the specified dependencies by group and artifact. This is much better, but the syntax is a little bit awkward.