My goal is to create curved lines on a map (connecting points), with an arrow on one side. These lines will be semi-transparent. It seems like the best way to achieve my goal is to use geom_curve
(though other ggplot2
solutions would also be great).
As such, say that I have this toy plot:
data <- data.frame(x = 4, y = 20, xend = 7, yend = 15)
ggplot(data) + geom_curve(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend),
arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.17, "npc"), type="closed", angle=20),
colour = "red",
linewidth = 5,
angle = 90,
lineend = "butt",
curvature = -0.4,
The issue I am facing is that, when using geom_curve
with a semi-transparent line, the arrow shows up with different levels of transparency when I want it to be uniform. How can I prevent this?
This question is very closely related to: Alpha aesthetic shows arrow's skeleton instead of plain shape - how to prevent it?, except that it uses geom_curve
instead of geom_segment
. The brilliant answer ( defines a new geometry (geom_arrowbar
). Would it be possible to modify this to be used for geom_curve
? I will also flag another of the answers that points to geom_gene_arrow
( - can this be used with curved lines? Or is there some other solution that would work?
To really do this properly would require writing a new version of curveGrob
and a whole new geom.
Fortunately, someone already has. The unpublished ggarrow package by Teunbrand includes a geom_arrow_curve
, so you could do:
data <- data.frame(x = 4, y = 20, xend = 7, yend = 15)
ggplot(data) +
geom_arrow_curve(aes(x = x, y = y, xend = xend, yend = yend),
colour = "red",
linewidth = 5,
angle = 90,
alpha = 0.2,
lineend = "butt",
curvature = -0.5)