I cant seem to recreate my Main.html that is necessary to build from in flashbuilder4 I guess I can do it manually at cost of time but what a bore ! I'm sure this shoudl be possible.
Clean rebuilds most of this folder and then runnign the project get the error that it cant find Main.html grrrrrrrr
I'm using FB 4.5, but have had this happen on earlier versions of FB/FlxB, as well. I've found that what causes this is that the index.template.html file in the html-template directory has gotten renamed to Main.html (or whatever the name of the Application file is in my project). If the template file does not have '.template' in its name, the build process will not recognize that it needs to generate a file from it.
What has worked for me is either:
The 'manual' way
Go into the html-template file and rename the *.html file back to index.template.html. Do a clean/build.
The 'automatic' way
Go into the project's Properties dialog, and navigate to the Flex Compiler pane. Uncheck the 'Generate HTML wrapper file' and click Apply. You will be warned that all of your files in the html-template directory will be destroyed. This is important if you have customized them, but if you haven't, then don't worry about it. If you have then copy your customizations to a text file for the time being.
Now, re-check the 'Generate HTML wrapper file' and click Apply. The html-template directory will be repopulated, and this issue will (hopefully) be resolved. If you had customizations to files in this directory, reapply them now. Do a clean/build and you should be set.