I have two text files, one with patient IDs (subjects.txt) and one with some measures(number_of_slices.txt). Both text files contain 1 column only.
In a third file (.xmlg), I have put specific words (e.g.,number_of_brain_slices) that I want to be automatically substituted for the 1st patients ID with the 1st measure, then the 2nd patients ID and the second measure. However, with the current loop, I am producing these .xmlg files with a different patient_ID but with the same measure (the number of slices) as I don't know how to write the nested loop and make it increase by 1 position every time, so patient and measure go in parallel - second patient - second measure, third patient - third measure etc. Does anyone know how to do that in bash?
for sub in `cat subjects.txt`
for f in `cat number_of_slices.txt`
sed -i "s/number_of_brain_slices/${f}/g" \
A suggestion using the paste
#! /bin/sh
set -o nounset
paste subjects.txt number_of_slices.txt \
| while read -r ID Measure
do File="${WorkDir}/${ID}.xmlg"
if test -f "$File"
then sed -i "s/number_of_brain_slices/${Measure}/g" "$File"
else echo "missing xmlg file for subject \"$ID\"!"
paste file1 file2
will merge the two files line-wise.
Hope that helps.