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How to count the values to prepare make stacked bar chart

I'm wondering how to count the values in a column to make a stacked bar chart For example, the data is like below

enter image description here

I'd like to make a stacked bar chart with x="Main", which has the "Detail" values counts. All dtype is object.

What I tried to count the 'Detail' Values is

df['count'] = df['Detail'].value_counts()

But the count column has the value only NaN everytime. enter image description here

Can you share your solution for this?


  • IIUC, use pd.crosstab and

    pd.crosstab(index=df['Main'], columns=df['Detail'])


    enter image description here

    Input dataframe given as:

    df = pd.DataFrame({'Main':[*'AAABBBC'],

    Or stacked:

    pd.crosstab(index=df['Main'], columns=df['Detail'])


    enter image description here