PhpStorm 2023.3.3
When viewing a local PHP file we can compare differences to the remote (Server SSH access) file, and this difference split screen view highlights the differences between the local file and the remote file (on a live or testing server or whatever).
However, with all of these we can only ever implement the sections from the remote server to the local file, we can never implement taking specific parts of the local file up to the remote file.
We can only upload the whole file. Uploading the whole file always works fine.
Please see screen shot highlighting one example where we would like to add the if statement wrapper (out of shot) and the else {...}
from the if statement (in shot).
We would expect to see a double arrow indicating we can upload this code block as we can for downloading the change (removing the local code block in this case).
How can we do this uploading?
Currently it's not possible, since in this diff view the remote side is treated as "read-only" (the "local code first, the remote is just a copy" approach). -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified with any progress.