I have a procedure which inserts record into a table. I also have a trigger which auto-increments sequence on BEFORE INSERT
(also there is identity type). I'd like to operate with its result, e.g. highlight a new record in a table on a website for example. Is usage of RETURNS
with GEN_ID(<sequence>, 0)
the only way? If so, there is a race condition, as far as I know, isn't it? My ID may not be mine if someone's transaction succeeds first.
There is also a RETURNING
clause, but as far as I know it could be used in DML queries like in execute block or dynamic statements as in INSERT INTO ... RETURNING ID
To return a generated id from a stored procedure, all you have to do is use the RETURNING
clause in your INSERT
statement, and assign it to one of the output variables of the stored procedure.
As a simple example:
create table example_table (
id integer generated by default as identity constraint pk_example_table primary key,
val varchar(50)
set term #;
create procedure add_to_example(new_val type of column example_table.val)
returns (new_id type of column example_table.id)
insert into example_table (val) values (:new_val) returning id into new_id;
set term ;#
You can then execute this as:
execute procedure add_to_example('abc');
For example:
SQL> execute procedure add_to_example('abc');
SQL> execute procedure add_to_example('bce');