This PowerShell script processes CSV files and their corresponding "_Inglese" files, updating translations in the CSVs based on the contents of the "_Inglese" files. It retrieves files, imports data, updates translations, and exports the updated CSV files.
However, it have this issue, when the file from which it takes data is in this format:
# (Go in a newline)
Il mio corpo è un tempio.
※Parla con Jack.
It correctly gives me this result:
"0x00000011","Il mio corpo è un tempio.
※Parla con Jack.","My Body Is a Temple.
※Speak with Jack."
But the next line gives the following error:
"0x000000AA","","Dress Like a Pirate."
"0x00000080","Vestiti come un pirata.","Obtain a complete."
Instead, it should be so:
"0x000000AA","Vestiti come un pirata.","Dress Like a Pirate."
"0x00000080","Ottieni un completo.","Obtain a complete."
Row 115 | Andiamo!
Row 116 | Il mio corpo è un tempio.
Row 117 | ※Parla con Jack.
Row 118 | Vestiti come un pirata.
Raw CSV:
Row 115 | "0x00000010","","Let's go!"
Row 116 | "0x00000011","","My Body Is a Temple.
Row 117 | ※Speak with Jack."
Row 118 | "0x000000AA","","Dress Like a Pirate."
Row 119 | "0x00000080","","Obtain a complete."
The part of the code where I tried to solve starts with:
Powershell code:
$SourceDir = $PWD,
$OutDir = $PWD,
$OutFileSuffix = "output" # Define the suffix for the output file.
# Get all primary CSV files in the source directory.
$csvFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceDir -Recurse -Filter "*.csv"
foreach ($csvFile in $csvFiles) {
# Construct the name for the corresponding _Inglese file.
$column3FileName = "{0}_inglese.txt" -f $csvFile.BaseName
$column3FilePath = Join-Path -Path $csvfile.Directory -ChildPath $column3FileName
# Check if the _Inglese file exists.
if (Test-Path $column3FilePath) {
# Import the primary CSV file and the corresponding _Inglese file.
$primaryCsv = Import-Csv -Encoding utf8 -Path $csvFile.FullName
$column3Data = Get-Content -Encoding utf8 $column3FilePath
# Assuming the first line in the _Inglese file is a header and we skip it.
$column3Values = $column3Data | Select-Object -Skip 1
# Update the second column (translation) in the primary CSV with data from the _Inglese file.
$previousTranslation = $null
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $primaryCsv.Count; $i++) {
if ($column3Values[$i] -match "※") {
# Found a line in _Inglese file with ※, append it to the previous translation if available.
if ($i -gt 0 -and $previousTranslation -ne $null) {
$primaryCsv[$i - 1].translation += "`n$($column3Values[$i])"
} else {
# Otherwise, update the current translation.
$primaryCsv[$i].translation = $column3Values[$i]
$previousTranslation = $column3Values[$i]
# Construct the output file path.
$outputFilePath = Join-Path -Path $csvFile.DirectoryName -ChildPath ("{0}{1}.csv" -f $csvFile.BaseName, $OutFileSuffix)
# Write the entire file with BOM (Byte Order Mark) in UTF-8
$primaryCsv | Export-Csv -Path $outputFilePath -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
else {
Write-Warning "Corresponding column3 file not found for $($csvFile.Name)"
I solved it this way:
# Combine lines with ※ into single lines
$mergedLines = @()
$currentLine = ""
foreach ($line in $column3Values) {
if ($line -like "※*") {
$currentLine += "`n$line"
} else {
if ($currentLine -ne "") {
$mergedLines += $currentLine
$currentLine = $line
if ($currentLine -ne "") {
$mergedLines += $currentLine
# Initialize counter for merged lines
$mergedIndex = 0
# Update the second column (translation) in the primary CSV with data from the _Inglese file.
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $primaryCsv.Count; $i++) {
# Update the translation column
$primaryCsv[$i].translation = $mergedLines[$mergedIndex]
# Move to the next merged line