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How to insert doc comments using syn?

I have this little snippet that is trying to append comments to a source file.

    let mut file: File = syn::parse_str(file_content.as_str()).expect("Failed to parse Rust code");

    for item in &mut file.items {
        // Use quote! to generate a comment and append it to the item
        let mut comment: Attribute = parse_quote! {
            /// This is a generated comment.
        }; = AttrStyle::Outer;

        match item {
            Item::Struct(ref mut s) => {
            Item::Enum(ref mut e) => {
            Item::Fn(ref mut f) => {
            _ => {}

But this is the result:

#[doc = r" This is a generated comment."]
pub struct MTContainerGuardMut<'a, T> {
    data: *mut T,
    flag: &'a AtomicBool,
    _phantom: PhantomData<&'a ()>,

I was expecting a comment of the form /// this is a comment. What am I doing wrong?


  • /// and //! are, in a sense, not really comments: they are syntax sugar for the #[doc] attribute. Actual comments are discarded at parse time and cannot be manipulated by syn.

    So, your generated code is valid, and will produce documentation text. It is just spelled a little differently.