I want to create a function in python in which I can pass a dataframe as the first argument, percent as the second argument and the third argument will be the list of values
foo(df, perc, *args):
So, if I call this function like foo(population_df, 20, 'A','B', 'C')
, then it will add a column to the dataframe and mark first 20 percent of records as A, then next 20 percent of records as B and then next 20 percent of records as C and remaining records as null as we can see in the below images.
Input DF:
Output DF:
Similarly, if I pass 12 percent, then it should mark first 12 percent of records as A, next 12 percent of records as B and next 12 percent of records as C and remaining records should be marked as null
You need a column to order the dataframe by to differentiate the first 20% from the second 20%, etc, so I added the ID
I didn't use percent_rank
transformation; because, its outputs didn't make sense, but if you wanna try it out, f.percent_rank().over(Window.orderBy(f.col(ordering_column)))
can replace f.rank().over(Window.orderBy(f.col(ordering_column)))/record_count
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.window import Window
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("pyspark_playground").getOrCreate()
def func(df, perc, ordering_column, column_values):
record_count = df.count()
df = (
.withColumn('percent_rank', 100*f.rank().over(Window.orderBy(f.col(ordering_column)))/record_count)
.withColumn('col_values', f.lit(column_values))
.withColumn('Col', f.element_at(f.col('col_values'), f.round(f.col('percent_rank')/perc).cast('int')))
.drop('percent_rank', 'col_values')
return df
df = spark.createDataFrame([
(1, 'Tom', 'M'),
(2, 'John', 'M'),
(3, 'Saily', 'F'),
(4, 'Noorie', 'F'),
(5, 'Steve', 'M')
], ['ID', 'Name', 'Gender'])
output = func(df, 20, 'ID', ['A', 'B', 'C'])
and the output is
| ID| Name|Gender| Col|
| 1| Tom| M| A|
| 2| John| M| B|
| 3| Saily| F| C|
| 4|Noorie| F|NULL|
| 5| Steve| M|NULL|