I have the following working Python polars code. I am learning Rust and am interested in converting Python to Rust.
df = df.with_columns(pl.concat([pl.col(base).slice(0, period).rolling_mean(period), pl.col(base).slice(period,None)]).alias('con'))
How to convert the same in Rust? It might be very trivial, still not sure where I am going wrong.
let rolling_options = RollingOptions {
window_size : Duration::parse(duration_str.as_str()),
let a = col(base).slice(0,period).rolling_mean(rolling_options);
let b = col(base).slice(period,lit(Null {}));
let temp_df = df.with_column(concat([a, b], UnionArgs::default()));
I keep getting the following error
mismatched types expected enum
found enumResult<LazyFrame, PolarsError>
When i checked the data types of a and b, to my surprise they are LazyFrame and not Expr
rolling_mean as per the document returns Expr and so does slice. Not sure what I am missing.
Working code.
let duration_str = format!("{}{}",usize::try_from(period).unwrap().to_string().as_str(),"i");
let rolling_options = RollingOptions {
window_size : Duration::parse(duration_str.as_str()),
min_periods : usize::try_from(period).unwrap(),
let lf = df.with_column(concat_expr([col(base).slice(0,period).rolling_mean(rolling_options),
col(base).slice(period,lit(Null {}))], false)?.alias("con"));