this might be a difficult question, but I'm trying to do the following:
Take an input string i which i want to be a unix timestamp including miliseconds Convert this to an int64 byte array, but i can only do the operations using simpler structures, my largest available int is 32 bit, to expand a bit this is for a PLC to send some telegram to a database
Wanted input:
"1707461225120" // int64 string
Should return:
[00, 00, 01, 8D, 8C, 9E, AA, A0] // 8 byte array
I dont really care what language for responses, i only care about the logical thinking to solve this, anything would be helpful, no advanced data types
I tried the following (want to convert string to int64 8 byte array), sorry if this is a weird language to adhere to, but its all i have, for responses i dont need the same format, i just need the general logic / math, no advanced data types
byArray : Array[0..31] OF Byte; // temp array of characters in string
byArrayO : Array[0..7] OF Byte; // temp memory before converting to output
charCount : Int; // temp amount of characters in input string 16 bit int
il : Int; // temp counter generic 16 bit int
i : String; // input string
o : Array[0..7] OF Byte; // output byte array
// reset temp memory
FOR #il := 0 TO 7 DO
#o[#il] := 0;
#byArrayO[#il] := 0;
// Convert string to character array
"STRING_TO_CHARS"(Chars => #byArray,
Cnt => #charCount,
pChars := 0,
Strg := #i);
// loop character array, here's what im doing wrong, but unsure how to solve this
FOR #il := 0 TO #charCount - 2 DO // - 2 due to character count offset by 2
// Function adds an int to a byte array
"ADD_BYTE_ARRAY"(iAdd := (#byArray[#il] - 48) * 10 ** #il, // convert int char to int and offset
arr := #byArrayO); // array to add to
#o := #byArrayO;
By this post I need to tweak the add_byte_Array input to keep the memory of the old val value, but how would this be done with a byte array when i cant use int64?
Wanted input:
Should return:
[00, 00, 01, 8D, 8C, 9E, AA, A0]
What my code does:
adds the characters in the string together one by one :/
I "Solved" my issue by making a way to multiply the byte array by an int32 value then adding the miliseconds
// Multiply to byte array and carry over
#carry := 0;
FOR #i := #LEN TO 0 BY -1 DO
#sum := BYTE_TO_UDINT(#arr[#i]) * #iMult + #carry;
#carry := SHR(IN := #sum, N := 8);
#arr[#i] := UDINT_TO_BYTE(#sum);
// Add to byte array and carry over
#carry := #iAdd;
FOR #i := #LEN TO 0 BY -1 DO
#sum := (#arr[#i] & 255) + #carry;
#arr[#i] := UDINT_TO_BYTE(#sum);
#carry := SHR(IN := #sum, N := 8);
"ADD_BYTE_ARRAY"(iAdd := STRING_TO_UDINT(#i), // regular unix timestamp in
arr := #byArrayO);
"MULT_BYTE_ARRAY"(iMult := 1000,
arr := #byArrayO);
After this i can add the ms using ADD_BYTE_ARRAY, works fine when you know there wont be any overflow