I have a table that looks like this
where column exclusive contains column names (from a, b, c) based on their column importance symbolised with '>': a > b > c
For example, if columns a, b, c all have a value (like in row 5) then a is chosen for the exclusive value because it is the most important - and when b & c have a value in the same row, b gets selected. c only gets selected when a and b both don't have a value.
From this we can plot a chart like this
Question Is it possible with DAX, to also create a chart like this from the same table, which contains the sum of the value column for each of a, b, c columns independent of the other columns?:
My current solution involves repeating data which increases the data size without increasing information content - and so I'd like to avoid it.
Like this table:
This table allows me to generate both charts, the latter by using the full and value columns. The former chart by filtering on is_exclusive and using exclusive with value columns.
As an advanced bonus, could I do the all the above and have variable importance? So for example, choose c > b > a or any combination.
You can create a Measure similar to this:
By Column =
"a", CALCULATE(SUM(YourTable[value]), REMOVEFILTERS('YourTable'[exclusive]), YourTable[a] = 1),
"b", CALCULATE(SUM(YourTable[value]), REMOVEFILTERS('YourTable'[exclusive]), YourTable[b] = 1),
"c", CALCULATE(SUM(YourTable[value]), REMOVEFILTERS('YourTable'[exclusive]), YourTable[c] = 1)
Then use [exclusive]
for X-axis, and the new measure for the Values.
Ideally, you would have a separate table for the a, b, c - or categories.
Table: Dim Category
Category |
a |
b |
c |
And then you would use this for your chart X-axis, with the measure updated to:
By Column =
SWITCH(SELECTEDVALUE(`Dim Category`[Category]),
"a", CALCULATE(SUM(YourTable[value]), YourTable[a] = 1),
"b", CALCULATE(SUM(YourTable[value]), YourTable[b] = 1),
"c", CALCULATE(SUM(YourTable[value]), YourTable[c] = 1)
And for completeness - you can have this measure for the first chart:
By Exclusivity =
var thisCat = SELECTEDVALUE(`Dim Category`[Category])
return CALCULATE( SUM(YourTable[value]), YourTable[exclsuive] = thisCat )