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golang sqlc nested data as array

Im using sqlc with postgres in my golang app. And i try to implement simple logic, that will returns to me array of products with nested array of product categories inside. I saw that question. But it doesn't help. Here is my tables:

create table products
    id    serial primary key,
    title text unique not null,
    url   text

create table product_categories
    id         serial primary key,
    title      text unique not null,
    product_id integer     not null
        constraint products_id_fk references products (id),
    url        text


Here is query:

select p.*, sqlc.embed(pc)
from products p
         join product_categories pc on pc.product_id =

and i expect generated struct like this:

type GetAllProductsAndSubcatsRow struct {
    ID                int32           `db:"id" json:"id"`
    Title             string          `db:"title" json:"title"`
    Url               pgtype.Text     `db:"url" json:"url"`
    ProductCategory []ProductCategory `db:"product_category" json:"product_category"`

but i got:

type GetAllProductsAndSubcatsRow struct {
    ID              int32           `db:"id" json:"id"`
    Title           string          `db:"title" json:"title"`
    Url             pgtype.Text     `db:"url" json:"url"`
    ProductCategory ProductCategory `db:"product_category" json:"product_category"`

can't figure out what am i do wrong?


@Fraser answer this is the expected way to fix that issue, but sqlc has own opinion about it :)

usign array_agg postgres function doesn't help much, because generated struct looks like this

type GetAllProductsAndSubcatsRow struct {
    ID              int32           `db:"id" json:"id"`
    Title           string          `db:"title" json:"title"`
    Url             pgtype.Text     `db:"url" json:"url"`
    ProductCategory interface{}     `db:"product_category" json:"product_category"`


  • The sqlc.embed(pc) doesn't make sense in this context, it is for embedding a single struct, not for creating a slice of structs.

    To work around this issue you can create a view that creates the product_categories column as a json type, then use the overrides feature of sqlc to cast this as a slice of ProductCategory. e.g.

    CREATE TABLE products
        id    serial primary key,
        title text unique not null,
        url   text
    CREATE TABLE product_categories
        id         serial primary key,
        title      text unique not null,
        product_id integer not null constraint products_id_fk references products (id),
        url        text
    CREATE VIEW product_view AS
        JSON_AGG(pc.*) AS product_categories
        products p
        product_categories pc ON pc.product_id =
    GROUP BY, p.title, p.url;

    This simplifies the query to

    -- name: GetProductsWithCategories :many
    SELECT * FROM product_view;

    Now you need to override the type of your product_view.product_categories column in your sqlc.(yaml|yml) or sqlc.json file, I use json in this example.

      "version": "2",
      "sql": [
          "schema": "schema.sql",
          "queries": "query.sql",
          "engine": "postgresql",
          "gen": {
            "go": {
              "sql_package": "pgx/v5",
              "out": "db",
              "emit_json_tags": true,
              "emit_db_tags": true,
              "overrides": [
                  "column": "product_view.product_categories",
                  "go_type": {
                    "type": "ProductCategory",
                    "slice": true

    This should give you models like so, with the correct []ProductCategory slice on the ProductView struct.

    type Product struct {
        ID    int32       `db:"id" json:"id"`
        Title string      `db:"title" json:"title"`
        Url   pgtype.Text `db:"url" json:"url"`
    type ProductCategory struct {
        ID        int32       `db:"id" json:"id"`
        Title     string      `db:"title" json:"title"`
        ProductID int32       `db:"product_id" json:"product_id"`
        Url       pgtype.Text `db:"url" json:"url"`
    type ProductView struct {
        ID                int32                `db:"id" json:"id"`
        Title             string               `db:"title" json:"title"`
        Url               pgtype.Text          `db:"url" json:"url"`
        ProductCategories []ProductCategory    `db:"product_categories" json:"product_categories"`

    This should now be correctly scanned with the generated function which should look something like...

    func (q *Queries) GetProductsWithCategories(ctx context.Context) ([]ProductView, error) {
        rows, err := q.db.Query(ctx, getProductsWithCategories2)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer rows.Close()
        var items []ProductView
        for rows.Next() {
            var i ProductView
            if err := rows.Scan(
            ); err != nil {
                return nil, err
            items = append(items, i)
        if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return items, nil

    I created a working playground version of all this here