I have a dictionary with information :
Facets = {
'Entity' : {'facet_type': 'Entity' , 'facet_parameters': ['IFC Class' , 'Predefined Type']},
'Attribute' : {'facet_type': 'Attribute' , 'facet_parameters': ['Name' , 'Value']},
'Classification': {'facet_type': 'Classification', 'facet_parameters': ['System' , 'Value']},
'Property' : {'facet_type': 'Property' , 'facet_parameters': ['Property Set', 'Name', 'Value']},
'Material' : {'facet_type': 'Material' , 'facet_parameters': ['Value']},
'Parts' : {'facet_type': 'Parts' , 'facet_parameters': ['Entity' , 'Relationship']}
I want to create an (IDS) editor using pySimpleGUI. People should select the facet_type and then be able to enter the facet_parameters themself.
so in layout the following allow them to select the correct facet_type :
layout = [[sg.Text('All elements of'),
sg.Combo(sorted(Facets.keys()),key='-FACET-', enable_events=True)]]
And then in the while loop I want that for each parameter in the facet parameters, it gives an imput box but I cant do it
window = sg.Window('IDS', layout,resizable=True)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
elif event == '-FACET-':
selected_facet = values['-FACET-']
facet_parameters = Facets[selected_facet]['facet_parameters']
So far I am stuck here and can't produce any piece of code that would update the layout to add something like that (screenshot to explain) :
Thank you for your time.
If the values for dict Facets
are fixed, you can build the layout for all elements when initial, just set only which one visible.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
def column_layout(category):
items = Facets[category]['facet_parameters']
layout = [[sg.Text(item), sg.Push(), sg.Input(key=(category, item))] for item in items]
return layout
Facets = {
'Entity' : {'facet_type': 'Entity' , 'facet_parameters': ['IFC Class' , 'Predefined Type']},
'Attribute' : {'facet_type': 'Attribute' , 'facet_parameters': ['Name' , 'Value']},
'Classification': {'facet_type': 'Classification', 'facet_parameters': ['System' , 'Value']},
'Property' : {'facet_type': 'Property' , 'facet_parameters': ['Property Set', 'Name', 'Value']},
'Material' : {'facet_type': 'Material' , 'facet_parameters': ['Value']},
'Parts' : {'facet_type': 'Parts' , 'facet_parameters': ['Entity' , 'Relationship']}
categories = sorted(Facets.keys())
category = categories[0]
sg.set_options(font=("Courier New", 12))
sub_column = [[sg.Column(column_layout(category), visible=(i==0), key=category) for i, category in enumerate(categories)]]
layout = [
sg.Text('All elements of'),
sg.Combo(categories, default_value=category, enable_events=True, key='-FACET-'),
window = sg.Window('Title', layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
elif event == '-FACET-':
category = values[event]