Search code examples

rxjs using combineLatest to filter data stream - stream data is empty when it should not be

I am using combine latest in an angular component to bring together a stream of data with a filter text input:

export class RecordSearchComponent implements OnDestroy {
  @Input() gridData: Observable<TrainingRecord[]> = of([]);

  private filterSubject = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
  private readonly debounceTimeMs = 300;

  private filterInput$ = this.filterSubject.pipe(

  filteredData$ = combineLatest([this.filterInput$, this.gridData]).pipe(
    tap(([filter, data]) => console.log(filter, data)),
    switchMap(([filter, data]) => {
      if (filter === '' || filter === null) {
        return of(data);
      const filterDescriptor = {
        field: 'nameFull',
        operator: 'contains',
        value: filter,
        ignoreCase: true,
      return of(filterBy(data, filterDescriptor));

  ngOnDestroy(): void {

  onFilter() {;

The filterSubject is working and I can see the results in the console.

The problem is that the "gridData" value inside combineLatest is always empty. But I can confirm that data is coming in if I subscribe to the gridData on its own in the template. (gridData | async) returns all the records.


  • I think if we initialize like this using @Input you might not get the value on initialization, as a safety, you can initialize on ngOnInit.

    Also please note: The gridData should have a value when the component is initializing only then it will work!

    export class RecordSearchComponent implements OnDestroy {
      @Input() gridData: Observable<TrainingRecord[]> = of([]);
      private filterSubject = new BehaviorSubject<string>('');
      private readonly debounceTimeMs = 300;
      filteredData$!: Observable<TrainingRecord[]> = of([]);
      private filterInput$ = this.filterSubject.pipe(
      ngOnInit() {
        this.filteredData$ = combineLatest([this.filterInput$, this.gridData]).pipe(
            tap(([filter, data]) => console.log(filter, data)),
            switchMap(([filter, data]) => {
              if (filter === '' || filter === null) {
                return of(data);
              const filterDescriptor = {
                field: 'nameFull',
                operator: 'contains',
                value: filter,
                ignoreCase: true,
              return of(filterBy(data, filterDescriptor));
      ngOnDestroy(): void {
      onFilter() {;